@KTzone » 音樂 - 資源BT » 音樂 - 音樂綜合資源 » 2011-01-07 Oceanlane - UrbanSonnet (MP3@128K@[email protected])

2011-1-14 23:54 OIZS5267
2011-01-07 Oceanlane - UrbanSonnet (MP3@128K@[email protected])

【解壓密碼】:**** Hidden Message *****【專輯曲目】:

[color=blue]01 Submarine Volcano
02 You're Just Everything
03 Gloria
04 You're In A Cage
05 Singing In The Rain Again
06 Blue Satellite
07 Falling Down
08 Battleground(Unwarned Sound)
09 You Don't Belong To Me
10 Kites And Buttenlies
11 The Ones
12 It's Alright
13 Start Today
14 Cries Of The Wolves

【檔案載點】 :



[color=blue][size=3][url=http://www02.ktzhk.com/viewthread.php?tid=1424889]Far East Movement - Free Wired[/url][/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=3][url=http://www02.ktzhk.com/viewthread.php?tid=1423676]Silje Nergaard - If I Could Wrap Up A Kiss[/url][/size][/color]
[color=blue][size=3][url=http://www02.ktzhk.com/viewthread.php?tid=1423631]東方神起 - Why[/url][/size][/color]


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2011-3-7 01:46 mark00147

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